February 17, 2025


Health Can Do

Factors Helping Students To Stay In Shape On The College Campus

Students often feel lethargic and unmotivated as they do not intake the required calories. It is imperative on the part of students that they focus on their diet. What they are eating will affect their performance in their studies.

The following are some factors that help one have a balanced and healthy student life:

Staying Motivated

Surround yourself with a circle that pushes you to be the best version of yourself. Such friends greatly motivate and push you to your limits to achieve what you strive for. They become your strength for whatever training you are doing, whether physical or intellectual.

Always Taking The Stairs On Campus

We have all heard the phrase, ‘’each step counts’’. You can make such primary efforts to keep yourself fit. For instance, if your class is on the fourth floor, and all your friends are taking the elevator. You take the stairs!

You never know how many of them may want to stay healthy but are hesitant to take that first step. By doing so, you will also set an example for your fellows. 

Focusing On Your Diet

It has been observed that most students have unhealthy eating habits. They prefer fast food over organic. We are living in a fast-paced world where everyone needs more time. Hence, students who have early-morning classes do not try to cook healthy meals. Instead, they would take out food on their way to college or just grab a coffee.

Who hasn’t heard the rumours about ulcers and digestive issues after drinking coffee on an empty stomach?

Recent studies have found that these are mere rumours. According to an article published by Research Prospect, drinking coffee on an empty stomach does not cause any digestive problems. But it may cause heartburn.

Not Eating Out Of Stress

Jumping a rope, boxing, and circuit training are the best remedies for relieving stress.

Students who feel lonely or stressed out may eat without hunger or need; that will only add calories and fat. If you or someone you know is doing so, try to talk to your friends or family. Do not eat out of stress. No amount of food can help you relieve stress.

On the other hand, if you work out when upset or stressed, the exercises relieve your stress level. For instance, if you are upset that you have poor grades despite staying up and studying all night. When you exercise that mindset, you will notice that your anger will be relieved post-workout.

Watching Your Intake

This trend of having energy drinks is rising among college students. The popularity of drinking these sugary drinks is at its peak. Frequent consumption of such drinks results in poor eating habits. Thus, do not leave the room for proper food.

Research has been conducted in this respect; it is concluded that if the availability of such energy drinks is reduced, it will directly impact the number of students consuming those unhealthy drinks.

Finding Yourself A Gym Buddy.

Having a friend who keeps you motivated is no less than a blessing. Friends who push you to achieve your goals are gems. Therefore, it is crucial to keep an eye on your circle. Whatever you surround yourself with must impact you in one way or the other.

Exercising and maintaining a diet with a buddy is comparatively easy. One must find a gym partner or a health freak to stay in shape.

Students who are aware of their physical health stay fit later in life. Starting a gym or exercising is relatively easier than continuing it. Therefore, the need for a gym partner will always be there.

Joining Any Club

Students who are often busy with their studies and projects may have no extra time to participate in extracurricular activities. Therefore, they can join clubs and take their membership.

Such students can take their classes and go straight to the school clubs. This, on the one hand, save their time and, on the other, help them stay active and in shape. According to a research published in Essays UK, students who focus on their physical health in the early years tend to live longer.

How Often Should A Student Work Out To Stay In Shape?

Students may find it challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle along with studying. They end up being lazy and sluggish. Students must learn to maintain a balance between their physical health and studies. None of that can be compromised.

Managing studies and health can be hard at times.

Students who want to build muscles and stay stronger should work out at least three days a week. Understandably, students are busy; some may have part-time or full-time jobs along with their studies. Therefore, no specific time can be considered accurate to spend on workouts. Do whatever keeps you healthy and active.

Your Health And Age Determine The Need For Work-Out

Studies must consider a few factors before deciding their timetable for exercise. Your health, age, and daily routine are crucial in gauging workout intensity. For instance, if you are under sixteen and healthy, you do not have to exercise heavily five days a week.

The appropriate amount of cardio, or even 30mins of brisk walking and an hour of playing soccer, can also be enough to keep you healthy. When you are on campus, get involved in games, and do not sit idol in your free time. 

However, if you are serious about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercising two to three times a week for about two hours is enough to keep your heart healthy. This will help relieve stress. Sweating keeps your body clean, and not only that, exercises help you excel in academics as well.


To summarise, students gain some weight in the early years of college. Therefore, they must snack well and watch their eating habits. Physical inactivity may lead to severe diseases such as diabetes.

Spending a few hours working out per week will help in muscle strengthening, low levels of anxiety and improved academic results.

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